It's the most remarkable word I've ever seen! I wish I knew exactly what it means!
It starts off with a tag from Biff, who was tagged by Tracy Lynn, who didn't tag me, and so I cried a little in her comments, but that's OK, because by being a big ol' whiner there I got Biff to tag me out of guilt and so I get to play along anyhow (mwuahahahaa!) and now I'm happeeeee! Oh yeah.
Here we go then - It's the alphabet game!
A - Attached or Single? Neither. Ain't that some shit? Changing the S to some "other" status that starts with S would be da troof.
B - Best Friend: Impossible to pick just one. Next prompt please.
C - Cake or Pie: Pie. Warm apple pie with homemade vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce.
D - Drink of Choice: Nonalcoholic = diet coke. Adult-type = bourbon, but of course y'all could have answered that for yourselves if you know me even a tiny baby bit. I think in a former like I was from Kentucky.
E - Essential Item: Computer. Duh.
F - Favorite Color: Here's another question for which I can't pick one answer. How freaking wishy-washy is THAT?
It used to be blue, because that was the color of my Dad's eyes, and because I have blue eyes too and nobody else in our family does, it made me feel special. Then I found out that the majority of people choose blue as their favorite color too, and felt obligated to find something else to compliment the blue so I could be "different" and "special." I tend toward greens lately, a nice soft sage color is soothing, isn't it?
I need soothing.
G - Gummi Bears or Worms? I'm going with the sugar-coated sour worms on this one. Yum.
H - Hometown: As of Friday it's Wake Forest NC. As of my lifetime it's all over the Eastern seaboard. Spent time in Massapequa Park Long Island, Vestal New York, Fairfax Virginia, Harrisonburg Virginia, Charlottesville Virginia, Tampa Florida, Old Lyme Connecticut, East Haddam Connecticut, and now WFNC. I'm thinking about sticking around here for a while, being as how in the past two years I've moved 5 times. That's enough, don't you think?
I - Indulgence: Bourbon. And naps. Sometimes in that order.
J - January or February: January. Too early to take the tree down, so it's still cool to be lazy.
K - Kids: Two. The bestest experiment I ever undertook. Taught me more about myself than I thought possible; and I'll bet all y'all parent out there would say the same thing, wouldn't you?
L - Life is incomplete without: friends.
M - Marriage Date: 10/8/89
N - Number of Siblings: 2, both brothers. One is 2 years and 11 days older than me, and one is 2 years and 11 days younger than me. Makes forgetting their birthdays almost impossible.
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples. Gala or Fugi, thanks, and straight from the 'fridge.
P - Phobias/Fears: used to be needles, but I got over it by giving blood for scientifical experiments when I worked in the lab.
My worst fear right now is that my older kid, who is at best a beginning swimmer, will drown. I have nightmares about it. The kid doesn't have enough meat on his bones to float! I've spent the past few years trying to teach him, but up until a week ago he couldn't relax enough to let the water hold him up. I have a good feeling that THIS is the year he finally gets the hang of it. At last. Once he does that I can go prospecting for some new fear.
Q - Favorite Quote: "Beer is proof that God loves us" by ye olde Bene Frankline (or is it Homere Simpsone?). Heh.
R - Reasons to smile: Hot showers, waking up, friends, new house, kids, good job, financial stability, local newspapers.
S - Season: Fall. Or is it Spring?
When I lived in the Shenandoah Valley it was Fall for sure, becaues there's nothing in this world like watching that season sweep over the mountains and fill up the valley. Around these parts though, Spring is glorious and early, a yearly surprise of vibrant colors and soft warm air.
T- Tag Three: Dooce, Jeff Kay, and Arianna Huffington. Bwuahahahaa!!!!!
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I have the world's ugliest knees.
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? OPPRESSOR? Damn, that's harsh. Who wrote this thing anyhow - Euell Gibbons? Criminently, let's just start casting aspersions right off the bat, shall we? Oppressor my ass - if animals weren't meant to be eaten, let them grow opposable thumbs and rise up against us!
That being said, I was once a vegatarian and quite enjoyed it. Made grocery shopping a lot cheaper too. I slid off the wagon a number of years ago (when I got married) and haven't climbed back on yet. That being said, when I hang out with vegetarian friends,I don't mind not having meat, so I'm a "whatevertarian," I think.
W - Worst Habit: Procrastination, without one single moment of hesitation spent in considering the answer. Weird, huh?
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds? This is such a desperate and obvious prompt that I'm going to change it to "Xanax or meth?" because that's funnier, and would lead to a more insightful answer. Me, I'd choose Xanax, for the simple fact that I strongly believe that meth would make me nervous, and I can't have that.
Y - Your Favorite Foods: Nachos, loaded nachos, and chili-cheese nachos. Also my Mom's spaghetti and meatballs, and almost anything with ranch dressing, but especially a big ol' salad.
Z- Zodiac: Gemini. Should have been a Taurus, but held out being born for 13 days past my due date so I could be the schizo star sign. My Chinese astrological sign is the Tiger. Rawr!
An intersting side note: If all goes according to one online death calculator's predictions, I should be around for another 43 years (my personal Armageddon, as it's quaintly put, is slated to be Nov 05, 2050). If start taking a vitamin every day and quit drinking, I get exactly another 3 years tacked on. I wonder if it's worth it?
There you go. My personal alphabet stew of answerification. If you would like to play along, please do so, but I ain't tagging you. There's just too much heartache involved in THAT game. ;>
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