All are welcome. And by "all," I'm including EVERYONE, not just the locals as I stupidly put in the post yesterday. We are, and this must be understood loud and clear, NOT EXCLUSIONARY, despite what I might say.
4 p.m., top o' the parking deck. Look for tee shirts with blognames on them being worn by the people who write the blogs.
So, it appears that some of the bands that are playing at DTL, are actual, you know....bands.
Gee, first Obama comes to town, and now real music. Raleigh is growing up
Did a bit of scoping out on Yourmusic yesterday, because as luck would have my queue was empty, and because I've vowed to do better in my choices of $6.99 CDs than that recent "All American Rejects" and "Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars" by David Bowie (but of course you already KNEW that, didn't you?) (why better? you ask? Because I've listened to each of them exactly NONE or ONCE, and that's a waste of money. If I don't love a CD, what's the point of even buying it?), I gave a couple of the headlines for this Saturday's show a listen, and BOUGHT THEM (well, OK. Added them to my queue. Certainly a step in the right direction).
Puddle of Mudd? Mine. I bought "Psycho." Wouldn't YOU?
Saving Abel? Got their new release, which is their only CD.
Eve 6 is also playing, but by the time I'd added three new CDs to my queue I lost interest and so they may just have to wait until the next time Yourmusic shouts at me that my queue is empty and something MUST be done about it. However, on reading just now that Eve 6 is not, as one might be led to believe, a sextuplet of fresh-faced young girls but rather is a post-grunge punk trio, I may have to overcome the lazy and sign 'em up for the next slot on my list.
Post-grunge punk? That's got my name written all OVER it.
There are a bunch of other bands playing as well as those three. We'll get there in time for 3 or maybe 4 other bands before those big 3 come on. Should be a good time, as long as I can pace myself at the beer tent and keep tabs on where they stash the porta-johns.
And lastly, let's wrap this up with a delicious, easy-to-make cookie recipe that I made up last night and tasted really good. Hey, it was better than eating a bowl full of peanut-butter and chocolate chips for dessert, which is about all we had. Sometimes you just have to make cookies, people.
All measurements are approximate. Hell, y'all, it' was almost 10 p.m. and by then I was three doubles into a big bottle of Jim Beam. Measuring at that point is for sissies, and also for people who might be able to focus.
- 1/2 cup smooth PB
- 1/2 cup chocolate chips
- A egg
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup flour
Roll into small balls (about an inch in diameter).
Plop onto a prepared baking sheet (that's 'greased,' y'all) and bake at 350 for 6 minutes.
Remove before they brown. The cookies should be little pale mounds that slightly resist finger pressure. They will have cracks on top. This is desirable and quite possibly a marketing plus. Negotiations are ongoing.
Let cool for a few minutes, then eat. The insides ought to still be soft, while the outside will be slightly crispy. Children, say AMEN.
Oh, and this recipe only makes about 8 cookies, because I started with what was in the bowl after wrenching it from the dessert-seeker's hands. Shame makes me bake.
I have no idea how it doubles. Nor what the calorie count is. Nor the nutritional value. But hey, they're better than eating a bowl of peanut butter and chips, right??
Gah - I must go. Work is beckoning, much like Medusa. Doesn't pay to ignore either.
Tiff out.
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