The second and third weeks after chemo are really not all that bad.
One forgets how things go, in other words.
Then infusion day comes around again, the stabbity needle enters the port (EMLA cream does f-ckall for that moment of pain, BTW), and the chemicals begin a-flowing. Then the next day - the neutrophil boost (pegfilgrastim in this case).
I think I mentioned last time that it's my opinion that chemo wouldn't be so bad if not for the pegfilgrastim shot that's given the day after. Oh sure, it's meant to boost your immune systems by getting those neutrophils and stuff to come pouring out of the old bone marrow to fight infection, but what isn't fully appreciated is THE PAIN associated with that process. Deep down bone pain. It's sort of awful.
'Take a Claritin at night' they say. I do.
'Then take an Aleve in the morning' they say. I do.
All is well for a few hours after each administration, but by about 2 p.m. I'm grunting like I'm in labor, hoping it's time to take another nap, just for today, just for an hour, because maybe after that the pain will abate and I can do more than shuffle and moan.
On the plus side, my zombie impersonation is coming along nicely.
On another plus side, there is no ascertainable GI effect this time around, which leads me to believe that I might have picked up a little bug at the infusion center last time I was there that got those gears spinning a little too fast and got me all dehydrated. So, WIN for that not happening this time.
By tomorrow this groaning pain should be skipping out the door (fingers crossed!), and by Wednesday a return to about 80% power should be in place.
That's about it - I'm still bald, obviously. My head feels kind of nice when I rub it.
Tiff out.
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