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Because cats make posts better |
You are a convincing lot, you two. Oh, you know who you are, and for YOU, here's something of what's very exciting and possibly noteworthy going on with me.
1) It takes me about 2 months to write a thank-you note. If you ever do or get something for me, don't expect anything before that 60-day window. Just like the billing department where I work, it's all about holding on to worth for the longest time possible before a payout. That's just good accounting practice, is what that is.
2) At the risk of over-sharing, I'll do it anyhow: Thing 1 has a girlfriend. I KNOW!!! Through this I've learned that he's got pretty dang good taste in women. No slatterns or fancy-women for him, thank goodness. Phwef!
3) It's possible to spend 50 dollars on pumpkins and associated organic autumnal display matters. Did it yesterday, on the most perfect fall day ever invented by the gods of weather. It hit about 65, not a cloud in the sky, the air crisp and the sun warm. This is the weather I FORCED the Things to got out into with me, away from their beloved electronics and their dark cave of a bedroom. I am a mean mom like this, with the forcing outdoors and such. That's what has to happen when frog-marching your family into a memory-making episode. And, if they don't remember, I have the picture to prove it. Just one, that's right. It's all about the efficiency.
4) We met our neighbors last weekend. After living in this house for over 5 years, we finally met the folks 2 doors down. We're very careful about this kind of thing, obviously. Actually, we made them meet us by hosting a block party and luring them in with hand delivered invitations and promises of hotdogs and cornhole. Who the heck knows what they thought of us at that point, because that can sound a little pervy. Anyway, it was great to meet folks and hang out for a couple of hours, and maybe get to foster a sense of community in our weird little part of town. Totally worth the prep time, and with the help of some friends who lent a hand in the preparing for and running said event, it was a practically painless party. Those are the best kind! Also, the local food bank was the happy recipient of lots and lots of leftover uncooked dogs and their attendant buns.
5) Have I mentioned that I had to go on thyroid meds a couple of months back? The old 'roid was giving up in a most spectacular fashion, so I'm levothyroxine-ing it up over here are LOVING the fact that I can now get my hose on with ease and it doesn't take an act of Congress to slide my wedding band off. Oh, that crazy swelling! It had gotten really bad right around the time we went to CT in July; something felt really 'off,' and it was. After about a month on meds the swelling was down and I can only imagine that the unseeable things that go wrong with hypothyroidism were righting themselves. While I don't love the fact that I'll have to take meds for the rest of my fool life (because you have to remember to take them, see), it's wonderful that they are available, are reasonably cheap (thank you, insurance), and work so well. Removable shoes FTW (For The Win, y'all).
I hope that you both are doing well and that your worlds are ratcheting along nicely.
With that, Tiff out.
PS - I still haven't fixed that comment thing. Feel free to leave one anyhow and it'll just get added to the big list.
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