Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Will it ever END?

I have spent far too much time this evening looking at this site:


The basic formula is this: grab a picture of yourself from back on the day, then take another pic of you today in a similar pose. Post both. Be amazed.

The plus side is that it doesn't appear that there is any navigational aid beyond 'next,' 'back,' or 'random,' and also that in 10 minutes of clicking I didn't find the end of it.

Isn't the internet amazing?


Got a call from Thing 1 this afternoon. It seems that the lad has gone and gotten himself into the top band at school on the first go-round. The director picks those kids she deems worthy, and lets them know they have a shot in the bigs, without an audition. I like that style, as I'm a terrible auditioner and hated every single one I was involved in.

What does that mean for him? It means band with the upperclassmen, a new tuxedo, and harder music.

He is, obviously, THRILLED.


I have plans to make a banana/blueberry/pineapple bread tonight. It's good to dream big, don't you think?

Also - must finish up that work project I've let languish too long. Let's guess which one gets done tonight, shall we?


Oh, and for the ladies out there - who has ever gotten professionally fitted for a supportive boobal undergarment? I have not, yet think it might be time, but dang if I'm not 8 kinds of leery about unleashing the breasticles in front of a stranger who is then going to HANDLE them and MEASURE them and make me try on clothes and junk. Just seems weird. And yet another aspect of life where the doods have it waaay better. Never have heard of a 'boxer fitter,
have you?




Have a good one, all.

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