Not sure if that's anything to be grateful for, but it's certainly a milestone. It's taken slightly over 3 years to get to 900. Never let it be said that I'm short of things to say.

This is a total day off for me, being as how we celebrated Thanksgiving on Sunday due to schedules and such. The Things just left with their Dad to start some hard-core relaxing at the house in the woods; I believe football and ham are on the menu. I've been invited over to the neighbors for their feast, and so at 4 I will make the long hard trek ACROSS THE STREET to let them feed me. It's only fair, y'all, they got about half of our leftovers on Sunday. Apparently my neighbor likes the Tiny House stuffing recipe - hooray!
If you're interested in the recipe, here it is:
Tiff's Mom's Turkey Stuffing
1 loaf white bread
1 pound sage sausage (I use Jimmy Dean)
2 eggs
2 bay leaves
1 onion, diced
3 stalks celery, diced
2 tsp thyme
2 tsp sage
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 cup white wine
Set the bread in a 200 F oven until dried. Cut bread into cubes.
Brown sausage, set aside.
Sautee onion and celery in in a covered pan with the sausage fat and a little wine and the bay leaf, until veg are glossy and soft.
Put bread cubes, sausage, and veg in a large bowl, let rest until room temperature. Beat eggs together and pour over top of stuffing mix. Sprinkle herbs and spices on, pour 1/2 wine over, and toss by hand to mix. Add more wine until mixture just barely holds together if you're going to stuff the bird with it (recommended) or until it forms a loose ball when gently squeezed if you're going to bake in a separate container. If baked separately, about 30 minutes at 350 F in a covered baking dish should do it.
There. Guaranteed to make your house smell awesome and the tummies start to rumble with hunger. No turkey needed.
Today is a nationally recognized day to count your blessings and pratice the art of gratefulness. In that spirit, here are the things for which I am grateful (at least in part):
A beautiful day
A loving family
Healthy Children
A good job
A great boss
Peace in my heart
A rich past and a promising future.
What are yours?
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