Not so bad, akshully.
Yeah, I spend a lot of time not talking and being very very quiet and puttering around with the brain set to "first gear," but that's not so bad. There's a lot of pondering to be done, you know? Weekends alone can help with the ponder.
Also - I haven't cooked anything since Wednesday. That in and of itself is a minor miracel, because I'm big on the cookery. Being faced with a fridge full of leftovers though does stike ath the heart of my laziness, nad so it's been a very oven- and skillet-free few days. Kinda nice, RLY.
Also -also? I slept until 11:30 this morning. That, dear friends, is amazing, and hasn't happened since I was 18.
Yeah, a few days completely alone has been nice, but I wouldn't like to do this much more than extremely occasionally. Because you know what? I'm kind of really really boring. I need those other people in my life to keep my brain from shutting down entirely, it would appear.

Feel free to come on over to help out. I think I've forgotten how to TALK, and need the practice.
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