Wednesday, August 09, 2006

No Post? How Awful.

Blogger? Love you.

Lovelovelovelove you, as though you were a big gooey mass of chocolate sauce basted over a caramel creme cake, or like you were a huddle of warm puppies, or as if you were a sandy beach with a rope hammock and bucket of cold beer. Yes, THAT kind of love.

Happy happy, happy love. Snuggly wuggly lub. Huggy, kissy, sweetie-pie double-plus-good LOVE!!


Now, Blogger, as you satisfied? Are you really really blissful that I've declared my affection for you in terms gastronomic, veterinarian, and vacationerific?

Yes? Grand!

Now, get back to work, you beeyotch, before I have to run roughshod over yo punk ass. What's all this about not WORKING this morning? What's all this about not BEING there for me when I need you? What's the big idea about staring BLANKLY at me as I try to access the sweet sweet inner sanctum?

Ain't nuthin but a thang, is what it is.

And if you ever, and I mean EVER, want me to talk dirty to you again, or to profess my undying devotion to you, or tell you you're the light of my life and that I just can't have my bloggy action any other way, you'll step up and gimme what I need.

We CLEAR on that?



As for the rest of whatever it was that I was going to write about to day in an effort to keep up the fine stream on content what as has been chock-fulling this here wee bloggie lately - forget it. My brain, she is an empty place right now.....


Deb R said...

Ok, the Lust Dude is kind of creepy looking. He's freaking me out just a little. Blogger needs to work so you don't post any more Lust Dude pics. Just sayin'...

tiff said...

DebR - the face of lust is not a pretty one....therefore it is a sin to lust. A DEADLY of the BIG seven.

My goal is to commit all of them, right here, on this blog. :>

Rick said...

Surely we can come up with a better sins list than that. Just sayin'...

tiff said...

Rick - hon, feel free to offer suggestions. I'm already planning my blog gluttony session and can't take time to come up with new sins that will automatically gain me entry to Hell.

rennratt said...


You could follow the path of Brenda (of Planet Brenda) and join MySpace. That should rush you right through the other 6 deadly sins- and a few that you never considered.

rennratt said...

I SOOOO want the brain/dumb sign for my office! It would go oh, so perfectly with my Pinhead poster...

Anonymous said...

I'm taking the brain-dumb sign. It's mine. Officially.

And you know, you really shouldn't complain about's impolite.

tiff said...

renn - myspace scares me, pure and simple.

wn - you're apparently going to have to fight renn for the sign.

Blogger deserves my scorn, that's all I'm saying.

Tracy Lynn said...

I, too, have a love for the dumb, have whisked it away to my hard drive.

fakies said...

You tell that dirty Blogger. He's been giving attitude to ALL of us lately. I was ready to hit him with a brick, but we can try your first.

tiff said...

TL - the dumb is rather cute, no?

Trina - I'm all over it!

Anonymous said...

oh man, I absolutely love this little icon. I'm about to print it up, make a sticker out of it and paste it to my forehead!
Do you mind if I borrow it for a post on my site in the future? I'll give you full credit.
just let me know.. thanks!

tiff said...

laura - have at it - I stole it from an e-mail someone sent me. :>