A word - I did NOT make it easy, y'all. I had several suggestions from folks, and thankssoverymuch, but I TOTALLY IGNORED THEM, and picked a whole other picture.
Now, now, dears, don't BE all hissy like that! I'm fairly sure that, once you settle down from your current indignant state and really really LOOK at what I chose, you will be inspired and realize that I am, naturally, correct about this issue, as I am about so very many other things.
So, here you go. Write a short story in 500 words or less about the picture below (titles do NOT figure into the final word count, but can be no MORE than 10 words long), and send a link to the resulting post to sweatinggoddess@yahoo.com. I will set up a linkapalooza on Wednesday, from which you can leap eagerly over to other people's sites to indulge in the juicy ripe fruits of their labors. There is but one prize, which is the shared joy of perfectly prepared plots and luscious word use, accented with fizzy little pops of humor, warm buttery slabs of poetry, or perhaps the rich dark tang of lust.
Whatever your taste may be, you have 2 days. Go. Write. Be wonderful. I can't WAIT to see what you can do.

You are Soooo going to pay for this one.
Oh yeah? Whooo's going to make me? Hmmmm?
Hello from Michele's! Very interesting picture and yes indeedio, I'm sure all the very smart folks out there will do a fine job with a short story...but me? I suck at it! :)
Great blog!
P.S. Sorry, I am not from Asia, or South America...nope...just the good ole hot n sweaty south.
SD - welcome! And darn it, you're from 'here.' :> Thanks for taking a peek around!
Oh, gee whiz...glad you gave everyone an easy picture to work with. You're all heart.
My story is going to be about torturing Tiff with iron bands because of this here pichur.
Thanks for the easy one my first time out.
WN - 'tweren't nuthin', really. :>
KF - that's a fine idea. can't wait to see what you do with it. snarfblatt.
Tiff, you can sure pick 'em. Hopefully I'll find the time to do this. It sure looks like fun.
OK, you axed for it. The link is in your mail. ;-)
TWO DAYS!!!! I just got back!!!! You sooo unfair.
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