Saturday, January 02, 2010

Seems the weekends were made for blogging

First - my blog is borked. I know. I'm working on it.

(UPDATE: rehosting some pics on my own Photobucket site works for the header, got rid of the images in the post body and list formats, and have imported all the old posts to Wordpress. I've been told the WP is the cool kids' way to change might well be in the works. It's surprising me just how much I'm resisting it.

It's clear I've become stuck in my rut, and quite like it here.)


Ah, the long slow demise of a personal blog. First, don't post on the weekends. (Did that a couple years ago). Second, quit posting every day. (Started that about a year ago). Third, pretty much quit posting at all, and when you do make it a hastily thrown-together mess that would compel no-one to come back to read what might come next.

I believe mission might well be accomplished.

Maybe I should make 2010 the year I get the writing mojo back. Used to be some interesting things going on around here.


To that end - I never thought I say this, but yesterday I wrote and helped to write some limericks about a psychic and Rasputin's pickled member. What a way to ring in the New Year. You should try it, or at least go on over and read some of the entries - people can be so daggone CREATIVE, ya know?

(Of course you MUST be aware that the subject matter is completely adult, and does come complete with a photo of the object in question. Yikes.)

Thanks to BuzzardBilly for the find!


Ah, and in ratherbig news: there are now two extra kittens in the Tiny House. Read all about WHY, here. Yes folks, Biff posted again, and who and I to steal any of THAT thunder?

On a related note - it's kind of tough being hitched up with another blogger when interesting things happen in life. I found myself propositioning Biff the other day with "OK, if you don't post about A and B in the next day, they're fair game for me" (for my motivation skills are just.that.subtle). Because honestly, some things simply scream out to be blogged, no matter who might be reading. Go read his post. You'll feel way better about your neighbors afterward, I promise.


Lastly, might I just say that there's no better bonding experience with a spouse than working together in a dirt-floored 2-foot-high crawl space to jack up a kitchen floor? Even better if the very first thing one does when embarking on such an enterprise is to drop a giant concrete block on one's arm.

No really, that's the very best way to do it.

The big payoff is of course that the kitchen floor no longer bounces like a trampoline when people or pets walk past the sink, and that the floor is now far more level than it was previously. Oh, it's a grand thing alright, and worth every bit of heaving and ho-ing, lifting and crawling, straining and dissing that needed to be done to get the support blocks placed and the jacks arranged and the beams put on just so and the whole works cranked up into 100+ year old joists that were understandably a little bit creaky. Kind of exciting, really, to watch good posture return to a slumping set of construction materials, much like embarking on a course of house yoga or somesuch.

And with that done, we now move on to the 'what kind of floor do you want?' phase of kitchen remodeling 101. Oh yes, the game (as the pocketbook allows) is on.


Gotta go. There are kittens to be played with and a Christmas tree to take down. In 2 days I'll be back at work, so it's time to sloth to end the bizzy to being agin.

Dang it.

Y'all have a fantastic weekend. Hope to see more of you around in MMX.

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